Jumat, 26 Mei 2017


IG :

Bank is a business entity whose form is satisfying the needs of others, by giving credit in the form of money it receives from others, albeit in a way by adding new money (paper or metal). (Prof. G.M. Verryn Stuart)

Money is something that is readily and generally accepted by public in payment for goods, services and other valuable assets and for the payments for debts. (Rolling G. Thomas)

Restaurant is a commercially organized place or building, which provides good service to all its guests in the form of eating and drinking. (Marsum)

Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms. (Greek Prefix)

Market is a physical place where buyers and sellers come together to exchange goods and services. (Kotler)

Supermarket is a retail organization that carries a wide variety of product lines-tipicaly clothing, home furnishings, and household goods, each line is operated as a separete departement managed by specialist buyers or merchandisers. (Kotler & Amstrong)

Brand is name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. (Kotler)

NPWP is Number given to the Tax Payer as a means of tax administration which is used as self-identification or Taxpayer identity in implementing taxation rights and obligations. (UU No. 28  th 2007)

Sale is a price reduction based on the volume of goods purchased. (Mahmud Machfoedz)

ATM is a machine that provides convenience to customers in performing banking transactions automatically for 24 hours in 7 days including holidays. (Kasmir)

Jumat, 14 April 2017


Our interview with Mr. Nana and Mrs. Ani the owner of Warung Timbel at Gunadarma University. 

Monica : “excuse me Sir, may I come in?”

Mr. Nana : “yes, come in and have a seat.”

Widya : “thank you.”

Mr. Nana : “your welcome.”

Widya : “let me introduce myself, my name is Widya and this is my friend Monica.”

Mr. Nana : “hello, my name is Nana and this is my wife Ani.”

Monica : “so, Mr. Nana and Mrs. Ani, we have a task to interview your business. Are you willing to?”

Mr. Nana : “yes we are.”

Monica : “since when you started this business?”

Mrs. Ani : “I dont remember the date, but we’ve started this business since 9 years ago.”

Widya : “what’s menu in warung timbel?”

Mrs. Ani : “we sell Nasi Timbel, Ayam Rica-rica, Ayam Bakar Celup, and Fried Chicken.”

Widya : “how many chickens you normally use in a day?”

Mr. Nana : “we use 12 chickens.”

Monica : “and how much rice you use?”

Mr. Nana : “we use 50Kg for one week.”

Widya : “how many student who come here to eat?”

Mrs. Ani : “about 70 – 80 students in a day, but if the exam season come its can be reduce by 50%.”

Monica : “how much income you earn in one day?”

Mrs. Ani : “the income that we get about 1 million rupiah in a day but the net income only 30% from 1 million rupiah.”

Monica : “when you start selling?”

Mr. Nana : “from 9 AM until 6 PM.”

Widya : “why you choose to do this business?”

Mrs. Ani : “long time ago, I was an employee at supermarket, in 1998 there is a financial crisis and I and My husband effected by severance so we choose to start a business. At first, I started to sell the dumplings and then switch it to bakwan malang instead but now we switch again to Nasi Timbel. And its been the ninth years we sell Nasi Timbel.”

Widya : “are you from beginning in here or you have elsewhare?”

Mr. Nana : “the first time we started the business is in a supermarket and then we moved around and finally we are here.”

Monica : “how much you spend for doing this business at the first time?”

Mr. Nana : “at first we spend 15 million rupiah.”

Monica : “this is the end of our interview and we apologize if there are mistakes. Thank you for your time. Once again thank you.”

Widya : “thank you Mr. Nana and Mrs. Ani.”

Mr. Nana and Mrs. Ani : “you are welcome.”

Kamis, 23 Maret 2017

My Planning After Graduated

     My name is Monica Chandra Dewi, you can call me Monica. I’m a college student major in management faculty of economics gunadarma university. After finished my lecture I have a plan open cake and bakery shop which called mocade cake and bakery shop. Mocade cake and bakery is a shop which sell various type like bread, cake, pastry, cookies, cupscake, and pudding. The reasons why I open this cake and bakery shop is because I like so many kind of cake and discern opportunity that’s really good in pastry sector.
    I will start this business after I graduated from college, as my first stage in occupy this business with participate course about pastry, cake and bakery and also trying to make it by my self at home. And I use experience from the course as provision of science for open cake and bakery shop. Financial capital that I spend to open this business large enough but comparable with income which obtained.
    The next step, I start to find the strategic location for open this business. I planned to open mocade cake and bakery in purwokerto, the reason why I choose purwokerto is because the area that I choose for open my cake and bakery have a good opportunity and have a less competitors. I hope my cake and bakery shop can be enjoyed by all the circle of people and economical price, because economical price have a special value for so many people, where high profit not only get from high prices.
     To develop this business, I keep on searching innovation so this business can make cutomers loyalty and known to general public. Hope this business can widely known and develop with open so many branch in many place in Indonesia.